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Obelis new interdepartmental organization

With great pleasure, Obelis announces the re-organization of Obelis departments implementing a middle-management system, particularly impacting the RA/QA structure.

This naturally follows two of the main Obelis visions and believes.

1.       In light of the company continuous expansion, Obelis wants to ensure employees get the best possible working experience, guaranteeing a perfect transparency on the career path and opportunities, ensuring a better organization for an effective and harmonized service provision.

2.       To develop even further our skills, knowledge and capabilities, allowing customers to be assisted from different departments having different prospective, depending on the particular need or query and developing a tailor-made professional support.

The organization set-up is as follows:

a)      RA/QA

1.       RA department: Deputy Manager Davide Turchi – Core of the RA/QA activities, this department will continue serving high-level consultancy to our customer, also developing employees’ skills towards any future additional project.

2.       Research and Development: Deputy Manager Floriana Dibitetto – This department will ensure Obelis awareness of any new compliancy process, creating new services and business opportunities for both us and our customers.

3.       Publications: Deputy Manager Ajda Mihelčič  – Any news, novelty or regulatory updates will have to be filtered and processed by this team, allowing both Obelis news/blog section and MDlaw platform to continue to be the best online referrals for any regulatory web research.

4.       VIP: Deputy Manager Martina Quitadamo – Managed and composed by the fastest and most effective consultants, this department will ensure the VIP account servicesare provided with the due excellence.

5.       Post Market Activities: Deputy Manager Szymon Nowak-Rogozinski – Any post market occurrence must be assessed, evaluated and processed by the PMA officers, in order to assist our customers on these very delicate matters.

b)      Others

6.       Legal: Deputy Manager Efrosina Zhivkova – Legal matters or issues, from both Obelis, customers or third parties, to be specifically evaluated by our Lawyers, also capable to ensure GDPR compliance.

7.       Customer Relations: Deputy Manager Mathias Acciai – Even if all Obelis departments and Board are have always been Customer Oriented by definition, there is a specific need of a Department immediately capable to take care of any possible customer query or need.

8.       Administration Department – Deputy Manager Valya Krusheva – Vital for Obelis internal Organization and External Communication, our Administrators will continue greatly supporting both Obelis employees and customers.

Should have particular questions about the new departments and the particular level of support they provide, please do not hesitate to contact us, and start to experience all those new important implementations!

Turchi Davide

Deputy Manager RA department

June 17, 2019

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