The GS mark (Geprüfte Sicherheit = Safety Tested) is a quality mark recognised in Germany that indicates the product complies with the German Product Safety Act. The GS mark is issued by an independent testing institution (GS Body) and is well-recognised among consumers, representing a valuable asset for the business.
Regulatory guidance for
Only ready-to-use products can bear the GS mark, for example, personal protective equipment, toys, furniture, car accessories, sports equipment, and household appliances. However, the law includes some exemptions: medical devices, antiquities, used products that must be repaired or reconditioned, plant protection products, containments, products for exclusive military use, food, feedstuffs, plants, animals, produce of human origin and produce from plants and animals directly related to their future reproduction.
Additionally, a ready-to-use product that bears the CE mark cannot also display the GS mark if the EU law requires a Notified Body to perform a check equivalent to the one of the GS Body.
The GS mark is a voluntary requirement, but it is highly valued because it means that an independent conformity assessment body monitors the safety of the product. The GS body performs a type examination of prototypes to test the safety of the products. If they successfully pass the tests, the GS body issues a certificate for awarding the GS mark. During the certificate validity (maximum 5 years), the GS body carries out production monitoring (audits) and controls to ensure the GS mark is lawfully used.
For manufacturers outside the EEA, the application for the GS certification must be submitted by their Authorised Representative (EAR). If this is your case, Obelis can help you!
We review your technical documentation, submit the application to a GS Body on your behalf, and assist you with regulatory guidance.
The GS mark represents a marketing advantage since consumers trust the quality and safety of those products. Moreover, it shows your commitment to these qualities and minimises the liability risks connected to the products.