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New Year, New CPNP Update

The Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (CPNP) is an online system created by the European Commission

in order to comply with the notification requirements set up in the Cosmetics Regulation (EC) 1223/2009.

Responsible Persons and, under certain circumstances, distributors, when notifying cosmetic products to the CPNP – prior to their placing on the EU market – need to submit the necessary product related information.  No further notification is required at a national level within the EU, after the notification is performed to the CPNP.

With the start of 2020, the portal has been updated in order to facilitate its use  by introducing some new features. Most of these improvements were proposed by ERPA – the European cosmetics Responsible Person Association founded by Obelis.

For instance, the FAQ section has been improved, including explanations about the access request process, tips to reduce the documents size, or clarifying that the category “Hair and Scalp products” also covers products for the beard.

At the same time, the possibility to duplicate a DRAFT notification has become available, and the CMR warnings have been improved (on substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or toxic for reproduction).

Regarding the products which are no longer on the EU market, the “end date of responsibility” field has become available also for non-imported products, and a report will be published listing all the concerned products.

María Nagore Corell

Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance


Obelis can help you expand to the EU market, by also assisting you with mandatory pre-market CPNP notification! Contacts us today.

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