Harmonised standards represent a useful tool to make products and services compliant with the relevant EU legislation. They have been introduced in several fields by the main European Standards Organisations (CEN, CENELEC, or ETSI), in accordance with a specific request from the EU Commission.
The main idea behind Harmonised Standards is that, once products and services satisfy the standards, the legal requirements (covered by the standards) for the relevant directive are also fulfilled. This implies that a ‘presumption of compliance’ can be claimed by the manufacturers and service providers.
As soon as any Harmonised Standard is created or amended, the EU Commission provides to give them legal force, updating the Official Journal of the European Union. Once Harmonised Standards are published in the Journal they are officially established.
The last updates of the list of Harmonised Standards have been performed in February 2018 for RED, PED and SPVD Directives and in March 2018 for ATEX, MD, CPD/CPR, Ecodesign and energy labelling Directive. In April 2018, first list of references of harmonised standards in support of Regulation on personal protective equipment together with the updated list of references of harmonised standards in support of the Directive on personal protective equipment was published.
Contact us: Obelis Expert Consultants, having nearly 30 years of experience with EU legislation will gladly answer any question you may have and will gladly assist you in safeguarding your products’ compliance.