Catalogue of nanomaterials finally published!

After several delays, the European Commission has finally published on the 15th June 2017 the catalogue of nanomaterials used in cosmetic products which are currently placed on the market. This includes nanomaterials which are used as colorants, UV-filters and preservatives.

The catalogue indicates the categories of cosmetic products where they are used, the functions of the nanomaterials in that specific category, and all the foreseeable exposure conditions. The source of catalogue information is the data notified by electronic means to the Commission (via the CPNP portal), by Responsible Persons with respect to their cosmetic products, declared by them as containing nanomaterials.

This catalogue is currently listing 25 nanomaterials (12 as colorants, 6 as UV-filters and 25 as other functions), some substances having more than one function.

What is a nanomaterial?

The EC Regulation 1223/2009 defines nanomaterial as being “insoluble or biopersistant and intentionally manufactured material with one or more external dimensions, or an internal structure, on the scale from 1 nm to 100 nm”.

The current definition of nanomaterials, according to the EC Regulation 1223/2009, will be revised in the next few months.  This revision will be done in two steps: firstly, by means of a horizontal (“cross-regulation”) definition; secondly with a cosmetics industry specific definition.

Why it took so long to publish – what is next?

The publication took much longer than expected as many notifications had been made for the substances which are not at all “nanomaterials”.  This resulted in Commission having to correct this list as far as possible.  Still, there may be some uncertaintiesregarding the ‘nanomaterials status’ of some notified substances. This catalogue has an informative value only and is not a list of authorized nanomaterials. It is being constantly updated and may be subject to modifications.

If you believe your product contains a nanomaterial, your Responsible Person is required to notify it to the CPNP six month prior placing it on the market. Obelis Experts will gladly assist you. Feel free to contact us for more information.

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