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Safety of prostaglandins in cosmetics: Call for scientific data

The European Commission invites interested parties to submit relevant data on the use of prostaglandins and their analogues in cosmetic products within the consultation period that ends on October 22, 2020.


The European Commission has received several notifications of serious undesirable effects caused by the use of cosmetic products for eyelash growth that contained prostaglandins and/or its analogues.

The presence of these substances in several drugs and their medicinal/side effects are also raising awareness inside the Commission to their usage in cosmetic products.

How to submit your contribution

EU Member States’ Authorities, manufacturers of beauty products, producers of the substances concerned, and relevant cosmetics industry and consumers associations are invited to provide their feedback on the following non-exhaustive list of ingredients that meet the requirements:

  • Prostaglandins (CAS no. 13345-50-1, EC No. 634-333-3);
  • Isopropyl Cloprostenate (CAS no.157283-66-4);
  • Bimatoprost (CAS no. 155206-00-1);
  • Ethyl Tafluprostamide (INN name Tafluprost, CAS: 209860-87-7).

In CosIng you will be able to find 14 additional analogues that are also of interest to this safety assessment.

By the latest October 21, 2020, you are invited to provide any information with the reference: ‘prostaglandins and their analogues in cosmetic products’ via e-mail ( or post to

European Commission – Directorate General Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs   Unit D/4, Consumer Industry
Avenue d’Auderghem 45, BREY 12/23 – 1040 Brussels   Belgium

Your input must include

a)      The template for submitting input – checklists;
b)      A table of contents;
c)      Numbered references.

And should be in line with the SCCS’ notes of guidance for testing of cosmetic ingredients and their safety evaluation.

Guilherme Ferrugento

Post marketing Activities Department


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