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New Pressure Equipment Directive

On 19th July 2016 the new Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU will come into force, and replace the old Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC.

The industrial sector of Pressure Equipment concerns a wide range of products, from consumer products like fire extinguishers and pressure cookers to huge and complex industrial installations or boilers in power plants.

Simple pressure vessels, like those used in compressors, are more frequently imported from Non-EU Countries. In recent years, some complex pressure equipment, to be installed in European plants, has been manufactured in technically advanced Non-EU Countries.


  • Recast of the previous Directive (due to several amendments needed to the previous text);
  • Alignment with the provisions of the New Legislative Framework and of the Regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures of 2008.

Overview of relevant dates:

  • 15 May 2014: Directive adopted by the European Parliament and the Council
  • 27 June 2014: Directive published in the Official Journal
  • 16 July 2016 Final Transposition term
    However – according to Article 49 – some provisions, in particular Art 13 on classification of pressure equipment shall be applied starting from 1st June 2015.

Main elements:

  • Clearer definitions of economic operators and of respective obligations
  • Improved traceability requirements
  • Better tools for National Competent Authorities in case of dangerous or non-compliant products imported from Non-EU Countries

The main aim of the Pressure Equipment Directive is to harmonize the European national legislations with regards to the design, manufacture, testing and conformity assessment of pressure equipment and assemblies with a maximum allowable pressure greater than 0.5 bar gauge. Pressure equipment can be represented by piping, vessels, safety accessories and pressure accessories. Assemblies means several pieces of pressure equipment assembled to form an integrated whole.

To find out more about the new Pressure Equipment Directive, please contact us.

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