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European Commission proposes new classification and labelling of chemicals under CLP

Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation

Classification and labelling of substances and mixtures is covered by the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation ((EC) No 1272/2008). Since June 1, 2015, the CLP is the only legislation in force in the EU for classification and labelling of substances and mixtures (ECHA, 2015). It legally binds the Member States and directly applies to the industrial sector. The aim of the CLP is to ensure a high level of protection of health and the environment (ECHA, 2017) through appropriate classification, labelling and packaging of hazardous chemicals, prior to the placement on the market.

The CLP lists certain criteria for the labelling, which – through pictograms, signal words, statements of hazard, and safety data sheets – inform the users and workers about all the associated risks. The substances and mixtures that are classified as hazardous in accordance with the CLP are assigned a certain hazard class and category.

Classification and labelling must be notified to the Classification and Labelling Inventory set up by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) within one month of placing the substance/mixture on the market for the first time (Your Europe, 2021).

Commission’s Roadmap on CLP revision

In May 2021, the European Commission published a roadmap on revision of the CLP. As a part of the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability under the Green Deal. it aims for a toxic-free environment. Few options that particularly apply to the classification and labelling on the revision of measures are listed below and might be subject to changes throughout the Impact Assessment:

  • Introduction of new hazard classes and clarification of the obligations to classify mixtures and some complex substances;
  • Obligation to provide information of some hazards on the label for products not covered by the CLP;
  • Introduction of a mandate for the Commission to request an ECHA to develop new harmonized classification and labelling (‘CLH’) dossiers;
  • Recognition of multilingual fold-out labels;
  • Introduction of tailored labelling rules, where there is not enough space on packaging.

Based on the results of the impact assessment, the European Commission will introduce legislative proposals for the revision. The adoption of new proposals to the Regulation is planned for the fourth quarter of 2021. We will keep you informed!

Kamila Swiatek

Regulatory Affairs Department


Are you manufacturing products – such as, for example, candles –  that need to follow the CLP? Or want to know more on this topic? Contact us!

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