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Certain Eyelash Dyes to be allowed in Cosmetics for Professional Use

The EU Commission has decided to follow the Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products (SCCS) opinion and to allow the use of certain substances as eyelash dyes in cosmetic products for professional use.


Until recently, the Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 defined a hair product as excluding the application of hair dye substances on eyelashes. However, in 2015 the SCCS reviewed new scientific data on eye irritation and concluded that oxidative hair dyes, which were found to be safe for use in hair dye products, can be safely used in products to color eyelashes. Furthermore, the SCCS considered that the potential risk for the consumer is higher when the products are for non-professional use compared with professional use, as there may be increased eyelid contamination.

The view of the Commission

The Commission has decided to act in accordance with the above-mentioned opinion and amended Annex III of Cosmetic Regulation accordingly. The specific ingredients which are now allowed for coloring eyelashes are: Toluene-2,5-Diamine, 2-Amino-3-Hydroxypyridine, p-Aminophenol, 2-Methylresorcinol, Tetraaminopyrimidine Sulfate and Hydroxyethyl-p-Phenylenediamine Sulfate.

Manufacturers must be informed that products containing the above mentioned ingredients are still considered as posing risk when self-applied by consumers. Therefore, they are to be used exclusively by professionals and must carry the appropriate warnings.

Cosmetics manufacturers and their Responsible Person should closely follow the updates from the SCCS and the amendments to the Cosmetics Regulation to take the right decisions towards ensuring compliance of their products on the EU market. If you have any questions about the new amendments, please do not hesitate to contact us. With 30 years of regulatory experience, Obelis experts will gladly provide you with all the necessary support in order to safeguard the compliance of your beauty products.

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