Ongoing process for the revision of the Machinery Directive

The European Commission works on the revision of the Machinery  Directive, which is expected to be implemented by the second quarter  2021.

The Machinery Directive has undergone several changes since its implementation in 1989,  tackling the new technical knowledge and business practices of extremely  heterogeneous and innovative industry.

Why does the text of MD need a revision?

The Directive has a dual objective, while guaranteeing the safety of  machinery and ensuring the free movement of machinery throughout the EU,  it must keep its relevance in light of the technological developments.  Mainly, emerging digital technologies allowing the EU to remain  competitive on the global market.

The revision of the Directive is aiming to improve 4 pillars: its  coherence, legal clarity in definitions, the administrative burden and  new challenges posed by the technical progress in the digitalization.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT)  were the two main triggers to launch the revision. The initiative  intends to work in the health and safety requirements for machinery  devices implementing these technologies, considering the autonomous  behavior of AI systems, robots and cyber threats. It is the intention of  the Commission to address cybersecurity through a comprehensive  approach, assessing its pertinence in the Radio Equipment Directive (RED).

What’s next?

The public consultation is scheduled in the second quarter of 2019.  During this period, stakeholders and citizens can express their views on  the scope, priorities and added value of the proposed changes. On the  base of the outcomes, the European Commission will examine the  possibility of a proposal for a Machinery Regulation.

Do you want to know more about the CE marking process? Do not hesitate to check our website!

Victor Pastor Martin

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