Interruption of Supply Notification

Article 10a of the MDR and IVDR requires manufacturers to notify EU authorities of significant supply interruptions or discontinuations of medical devices. This ensures their continued availability to protect public health.

Non-EU manufacturers can rely on their Authorised Representative to inform the competent authority of supply issues. As your European Authorised Representative (EAR), at Obelis we manage the notification process, liaise with authorities, and provide them with the required documentation to ensure your compliance with Article 10a.

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Good to know

About Article 10a

Article 10a of the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) and In-Vitro Medical Device Regulation (IVDR) establishes the obligation for manufacturers to notify the competent authorities of any significant supply interruption or discontinuation of medical devices that could seriously compromise patient health or public health. This notification to the authorities should be performed at least 6 months before the projected discontinuation or interruption takes place.

Manufacturers of medical devices and IVDs circulating on the EU market are primarily responsible for complying with Article 10a. Non-EU manufacturers should submit the relevant notification to the Competent Authority where their EAR is based.

Additionally, manufacturers should communicate the supply issue to the entities to which they directly supplied the device, e.g., importers, healthcare professionals. These notified entities are obliged to ensure downstream information flow to reach healthcare professionals.

Comply with Article 10a today

If you need to notify under Article 10a, Obelis will:

  • Prepare and submit the Article 10a notification to the competent authority.
  • Liaise with the competent authority to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the supply interruption or discontinuation.
  • Assist in providing additional documentation or clarifications requested by the authority.
  • Advice on regulatory compliance issues.

Over 35 years of Obelis expertise ensures that your company meets the requirements of Article 10a promptly and efficiently, safeguarding the availability of essential medical devices in the EU market.

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Compliance Success Stories

Why Obelis?

Our deep and long-standing experience with Swiss, EU and UK compliance frameworks makes us the best choice to support your products’ path towards compliance in these territories.

Our team regulatory experts will guide you through medical devices’ technical documentation, notification, labelling, among others.

About us
Founded in 1988, we are among Europe’s largest centres for advisory and representative services.
We are certified by ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016.
We have helped over 3,000 manufacturers from over 60 countries address their regulatory challenges.
We are members of professional associations and more than 10 European Commission working groups.
Obelis International Offices (OIO) comprise independent partners providing solutions in other global markets.
Our team consists of lawyers, chemists, pharmacists, and other experts. Our close-knit culture has been certified by the Great Place to Work Survey 2022-23.