A recent study published by the ECHA’s Enforcement Forum has found that most inspected products sold online breached at least one requirement in EU chemicals law.
Among almost 6000 products (as toys, jewellery, and childcare articles) verified under REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) – 78% were not compliant with the use of restricted chemicals.
Under CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging) regulation, in the 75% of inspections, there are non-compliances related to the lack of information about hazards of the chemical products in online advertisement.
For Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) – 77% of the products were in non-compliance with at least one requirement. 17% of the products had misleading statements such as: “non-toxic”, “animal friendly”, “natural” etc.
The inspections resulted in overall of 5000 enforcement actions. The most common follow-up actions were “Removing the product offer from the website’’ and “Bringing the information in the advertisement into compliance”.
The primary purpose of this study was to raise awareness about the regulations and requirements. The companies should be more proactive and transparent about their sellers.
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1) European Chemical Agency, ECHA/NR/21/29. (8 December, 2021). Majority of inspected products sold online breach EU chemicals laws. Retrieved on 20/01/22 from: https://echa.europa.eu/-/majority-of-inspected-products-sold-online-breach-eu-chemicals-laws
2) European Chemical Agency. (8 December, 2021). Report on enforcement of CLP, REACH and BPR duties related to substances, mixtures and articles sold online. Retrieved on 20/01/22 from: https://echa.europa.eu/-/majority-of-inspected-products-sold-online-breach-eu-chemicals-laws