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Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety issued opinion on Zinc Pyrithione

The cosmetic ingredient Zinc Pyrithione (ZPT) is frequently used in the formulation of hair conditioners, shampoos, face powders, cleansing products, eyeliners and skin care products.

On the 4th March 2020, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety concluded that Zinc Pyrithione is safe when used as an anti-dandruff in rinse-off hair products in a concentration of maximum 1%.

ZPT is currently regulated as a preservative in rinse-off products (with the exception of oral hygiene products) in a concentration of up to 0.5% in general products and up to 1.0% in hair products (Annex V/8). Moreover, Zinc Pyrithione is also allowed in a concentration up to 0.1% in leave-on hair products (Annex III/101).[1]

Being subject to several safety evaluations, Zinc Pyrithione was previously found safe as an anti-dandruff agent in rinse-off hair care products at a maximum concentration of 2.0%.[2] This came as a result of a safety dossier that was submitted by Cosmetics Europe to demonstrate the safety of ZPT as anti-dandruff in rinse-off hair products.

However, the new restriction of 1% was given according to the conditions laid out in Article 15(d) (i.e. ‘overall exposure from other sources’) of the Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 and the currently existing scientific data.

For more information or for full access to the SCCS Opinion, please follow this link.

Bianca Sofian

Junior Consultant, Regulatory Affairs & Quality Assurance Department


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[1] Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety SCCS OPINION ON Zinc Pyrithione (ZPT) (CAS No 13463-41-7) – Submission III, p. 25.

[2] Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety SCCS OPINION ON Zinc Pyrithione (ZPT) (CAS No 13463-41-7) – Submission III, p. 6.

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