Obelis European Authorized Representative Center (O.E.A.R.C ) in Cooperation with the Manufacturers Association of Israel (the Cosmetic Department) and the Israeli Ministry of Health (Pharmaceutical Division) are proud to introduce the “EUCORE” Workshop aimed at the “New European Cosmetic Regulation – Provisions and Implementation”.
The workshop will be a one-time opportunity dealing with the requirements of the European Cosmetics regulation by European Experts in light of the Israeli Ministry of Health desire to harmonize and align its regulation with the European regulation.
Workshop Dates:
19.10.09 – 26.10.09 – 02.11.09 – 09.11.09 – 16.11.09
Total 5 meetings, on Mondays between 08:00-17:00 hours at the Manufacturers Association. The workshop Duration will be 40 hours; You can subscribe to the complete workshop or select individual meetings.
The Aim of the Seminar
To educate on the cosmetics regulation as populated in the current European Cosmetic Directive 76/768/EEC and the NEW Cosmetic European regulation recently adopted by the European Commission which should receive confirmation in the coming months and therefore will require those dealing with cosmetics in Europe and worldwide to comply with these NEW requirements.
Target Audience:
– Local Importers who wish to export to Europe
– Local Manufacturers who wish to meet European standards and eventually Export to Europe
– Local Importers – in light of the expected adoption of the European regulation in Israel as part of the harmonization process
Training will consist of, among other things, the following topics:
• Safety Assessment
• Technical File
• The New European Cosmetic Regulation (Notification & Labeling)
• REACH 1907/2006
*** Participants will receive a certificate of participation from the organizing groups and a self-learning system that includes all professional material – in print and in CD.
The Department of Pharmacy at the Israeli Ministry of Health welcomes the seminar
in light of its aim for harmonization and adaptation of the European cosmetics regulation
Need more information? Contact us now!