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New Opinions Upcoming After the Last Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS)

On the 20th of January 2015 took place in Luxembourg the last meeting of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS). New opinions have been drafted by the Working Group on Cosmetics Ingredients  undertaking tasks directly linked to the question submitted by the Commission.

Information from the Chair, Members and the Commission

The Commission informed on further subjects:

  • The preliminary opinion on Synthetic Biology has been published after being adopted by SCENIHR at their plenary on 20thNovember 2014, by the SCHER at their plenary on 28th November 2014 and the by the SCCS at their plenary on 16th December 2014.
  • A call for additional experts has been closed on the 11th of January 2015 and the Commission is consulting the list of potential candidates.
  • The Secretariat of SCCS is planning a closer collaboration with ECHA and the organization of meeting on common areas of work.

Draft Opinions

The SCCS in its role of scientific advisor of the European Commission when preparing policy and proposals relating to consumer safety, public health and the environment drafted opinions on the following cosmetic ingredients:


Future developments

More data, contributions from the members and discussions are the necessary preparatory tasks that will lead to a final position of the SCCS on the safety of the mentioned ingredients in cosmetic products.

The draft opinions will be further discussed in the next meetings on the 4th of March 2015, on the 23rd of April 2015 and the 27th of May 2015.

Based on the SCCS opinions, the Annexes of the Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009are revised – as such the cosmetics industryshould always take advantage of the extra time until the Annexes are updated and revise their formulas accordingly.

Cosmetics manufacturers and their designated EU Responsible Personshall identify the products that contain such ingredients, create a risk analysis plan on how long it will take to update the formulas in case of any ingredient will be banned or further restricted in order to assure the regulatory compliance of each product on the beauty products market.

If you want to know more about the SCCS opinions please feel free to contact us.

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