17th of March 2017, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) launched a publicly accessible database with information on over 15 000 chemical substances. This database is aimed at researchers, regulatory authorities and businesses.
Source of the information
The data, which can be accessed and downloaded from the ECHA website, was collected from the results of the REACH studies – information submitted by the companies to ECHA under the REACH Regulation – and contains key information on the intrinsic properties of each substance and their impact on human health and the environment.
However, taking into consideration that some of the studies are subject to confidentiality, only non-confidential information and specific data (i.e. test results without the full summary) were compiled. According to ECHA, this corresponds to only 2% of the available information in the registration dossiers.
The objective
With this database, ECHA hopes to improve the safe use of chemicals, enable innovation and help to avoid the unnecessary testing of chemicals on animals.
“ECHA uses the data submitted by companies on a daily basis. In particular, we identify substances of concern that need to be controlled in order to protect human health and the environment. Making this data downloadable in a format that can be reused by others is another step towards safer chemicals in Europe,” says Geert Dancet, ECHA’s Executive Director.
Companies, researchers and regulators can use this information to determine toxicity while minimizing animal testing and to improve the Safety Data Sheets, classification and labelling of their products. .In conclusion, this database is an essential tool not only to raw material suppliers, but to also cosmetic products manufacturers and brand owners.
Obelis, as a Responsible Person specialized in the European Regulatory framework, will continue to keep track of the latest developments of the European Commission and its Agencies, in order to provide our clients with the best and most up-to-date information. Feel free to contact us if you wish to receive more information on the ECHA Database or other regulatory updates.